Rep. Beth Camp Announces First Meeting of House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar

ATLANTA – The House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar, chaired by State Representative Beth Camp (R-Concord), will hold its first meeting on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in room 400 of the Kennesaw State University Center in Kennesaw. To watch a live stream of this meeting, please click here

“Georgia’s energy needs are growing rapidly and community solar is one of the most cost-efficient ways we can deliver more energy and reduce rates for our citizens and businesses,” said Chair Camp. “My goal for this committee is to do a deep dive on the benefits of community solar and also examine some of the challenges. One thing is for certain: if we add community solar to the grid, it will help drive down the cost of all other forms of energy. I appreciate the time and efforts of all the committee members and presenters. I believe this is a very worthwhile discussion on how we can generate savings for ratepayers.” 

“The House of Representatives’ Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar is an excellent opportunity for our state leaders to learn more about how the solar industry can assist with Georgia’s energy shortage,” said Georgia Solar Energy Industries Association President Pete Corbett. “Community solar is the cheapest and most cost-effective way to deliver solar power. Our members look forward to discussing how their investments in Georgia’s energy infrastructure can benefit all Georgians. We can’t thank both Chairman Don Parsons and Chairwoman Beth Camp enough for the opportunity.”

The Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar was created following Chair Camp’s introduction of House Bill 1152, or the Georgia Homegrown Solar Act of 2024, during the 2024 legislative session. 

Information on future public meetings of the Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar will be posted online here.

WHO:             Members of the House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar

WHAT:          Ad Hoc Committee Meeting

WHEN:          Wednesday, August 14, 2024

                        10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

WHERE:       Kennesaw State University Center

                        Room 400

                        3333 Busbee Dr NW

                        Kennesaw, GA 30144
