ATLANTA – State Representative Jordan Ridley (R-Woodstock) recently introduced House Bill 75, legislation that would update state law related to animal protection and the impounding and euthanizing of domesticated animals by government agencies.
“Domesticated animals that are lawfully procured with the proper licenses and permits should not be illegally euthanized or impounded,” said Rep. Ridley. “The bill would require judicial oversight and proper notification so that owners and pets alike are safeguarded against unjust actions from authorities. The goal of the bill is to protect responsible and law-abiding pet owners from unfair and hasty decisions and prevent what happened to Peanut and Fred from happening in our state.”
HB 75 would clarify and update the law in cases where state agencies may pursue impounding or euthanizing household animals. The bill would make government agencies, in custody of a domesticated, impounded animal, subject to liability for up to $5,000 in the case that their actions result in the death or injury to the animal. In the situation that an animal could be euthanized, a government agency would be required to notify an owner immediately of a veterinarian’s findings and specify deadlines for the owner to request a hearing. The owner would have 10 business days to request a hearing, and if no hearing is requested, then the animal could be euthanized. If a pet owner has not relinquished ownership of a domesticated animal, a government agency could humanely euthanize the animal if a judge rules that euthanasia is the only reasonable course of action.
The full text of HB 75 may be found here.
Representative Jordan Ridley represents the citizens of District 22, which includes portions of Cherokee and Cobb counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2022 and currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Code Revision Committee and Secretary of the Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Committee. He also serves on the Game, Fish and Parks and Public Safety and Homeland Security committees.