Rep. Angela Moore to Host Third Annual Visit of Debutantes and Beaus at State Capitol

ATLANTA – State Representative Angela Moore (D-Stonecrest) will host the third annual visit of Debutantes and Beaus on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 12 p.m. in room 216 of the Georgia State Capitol.

“Hosting the Beaus and Debutantes for the third consecutive year is a testament to our commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders and providing them with a platform to voice their perspectives on key issues facing our communities today,” said Rep. Moore. “This event marks a significant opportunity for young leaders to engage directly in the legislative process and experience firsthand the inner workings of our state government.”

Rep. Moore has charged each participant with constructing a letter to an elected official on a topic they choose which they will read aloud in a formal setting at the Georgia State Capitol. During their visit, they will have the opportunity to visit the House Gallery, where they will watch the House of Representatives in their legislative session. The participants will be recognized by the House and later enjoy a luncheon.

In past Debutantes at the Capitol events, the events have consisted of young rising women, but this year, young rising men will also have the opportunity to participate in the events.

“In previous years, we have hosted over 32 young women who all have since gone on to become college-educated adults at universities ranging from Fort Valley, Georgia Southern, Howard, Georgia State, Kennesaw State, Savannah State, the University of Southern California and the Boston Conservatory,” added Rep. Moore. “The cotillion experience is a much-needed lost tradition, and as a member of the Higher Education Committee, this event and opportunity give me chills and tears.”

This event aims to inspire youth and cultivate a deeper understanding of the responsibilities

and opportunities within public service. These participants were selected to participate in the program for their demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to their communities.

These students hail from DeKalb, Rockdale, Henry and Newton County Public Schools.

Melisa Mims is the founder and director of Showtime Pros, Inc. She directs this cotillion program and encourages these students to reach their full potential.

WHO:             Rep. Angela Moore (D-Stonecrest)

WHAT:          Debutantes and Beaus Day at the Capitol

WHEN:          Thursday, January 30, 2025

                        12 p.m.

WHERE:       Georgia State Capitol

Room 216

                        206 Washington St SW

                        Atlanta, GA 30334
