ATLANTA— State Representative Edward Lindsey (R-Atlanta) was honored today by the National Federation of Independent Business with its 2013 Small Business Guardian Award, its top award for state legislators who advocate and support the interests of small businesses.

“I am honored to receive this award from the National Federal of Independent Business,” said Rep. Edward Lindsey. “Our economy shrinks or grows based on the efforts and opportunities of the small businesses that make up the NFIB. I have always believed that our country is only as strong as our small businesses.”
The NFIB Small Business Guardian Award is given to legislators that have consistently voted with small business owners on certain key issues. NFIB ballots its members every legislative session to identify the most important bills. It tracks the votes of every lawmaker and then applies a simple score from zero to 100 percent. In the last session, Rep. Lindsey earned a perfect 100 percent.
Among Rep. Lindsey’s legislative success this past session that NFIB considered in their scoring was HB 361 and SB 179.
Both bills reaffirmed Georgia’s commitment to being a right to work state, a critical element businesses use in their decision to either locate in Georgia or expand current operations already present in the state.
“It’s one thing to have a member whose vote you can count on in the tough fights. But it’s a huge advantage to have a leader like Edward Lindsey who can bring people together and build a consensus around policies that make it easier for small businesses to succeed in Georgia,” said NFIB State Director Kyle Jackson. “He’s a thoughtful, dedicated and highly principled legislator, and he has more than earned this award.”
Representative Edward Lindsey represents the citizens of District 54, which includes portions of Fulton County. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2004, and currently serves on the Appropriations, Education, Ethics, Industry and Labor, Judiciary, and Rules committees.