Cobb County Delegation Accepting Applications for New CCMWA Board Appointment

ATLANTA – State Representative John Carson (R-Marietta) and the Cobb County Legislative Delegation announced today that the delegation is now accepting requests for appointment to the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA) Board.

“This appointment is required due to Paulding County’s decision to develop its own water resources,” said Rep. Carson. “The CCMWA Board makes long-term infrastructure decisions, and given the separation from Cobb’s system, it was no longer appropriate for a Paulding representative to make such decisions for Cobb citizens. As such, our county delegation successfully pushed legislation during the 2016 session to protect Cobb’s interests by removing the Paulding chairman’s current seat and replacing it with one to be occupied by a resident of Cobb County.”

The appointee must live in unincorporated Cobb County and will replace the Paulding County seat that expires on December 31, 2016.  The initial appointment to this seat will serve through August 14, 2019; subsequent appointments will be for four year terms.

Applicants should submit letters of interest, resumes, letters of recommendation and other pertinent information to Rep. Carson, as well as his or her state senator/representative by October 31, 2016. Please contact Rep. Carson’s State Capitol Office at (404) 656-0287 or

Seven members make up CCMWA’s Board. The current appointees include:  David Austin, Max Bacon, Dan Buyers, Grif Chalfant, Charlie Crowder, Tim Lee and James Scott.  This appointment will replace the seat currently held by Mr. Austin, and Mr. Lee will be replaced by Cobb Commission Chairman-elect Mike Boyce.

The CCMWA is a regional public utility that provides potable (drinking and fire protection) water on a wholesale basis to 11 retail water suppliers, one industrial customer and one institutional customer and is the second largest supplier of safe drinking water in Georgia. CCMWA’s mission is to acquire and treat sufficient sources of water for our customers and the communities they serve, while leaving a legacy of sustainable water supplies for generations to come.

For more information on CCMWA, please click here.

Representative John Carson represents the citizens of District 46, which includes portions of Cherokee and Cobb counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2011, and currently serves as the Vice Chairman on the Energy, Utilities, & Telecommunications and Intragovernmental Coordination committees, and Secretary on the Insurance Committee. He also serves on the Transportation and Ways & Means committees. Rep. Carson also chairs the Cobb County Legislative Delegation.
