Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Condemns Removal of AP African American Studies from State Schools, Calling it a Step Backward

ATLANTA – State Representative Carl Gilliard (D-Savannah), chair of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC), today issued the following statement in response to the recent decision to remove the AP African American Studies course from state curriculum:

“The GLBC stands in staunch opposition to the decision to eliminate the Advanced Placement African American Studies course from the curriculum in Georgia schools. This move, driven by changes from the State Superintendent’s Office, is viewed by the GLBC as a detrimental step backwards in fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in education. Local districts, including Gwinnett County Public Schools, received state approval to pilot the course during the 2023-2024 school year, allowing participating students to earn deserving credit. However, the recent requirement of a formal course request for districts interested in offering AP African American Studies, as communicated by Dr. Aldridge, Deputy Superintendent, on July 10, 2024, has effectively halted the continuation of this important educational offering. This decision is a significant step backwards in providing students with a holistic and diverse education. African American Studies play a pivotal role in fostering understanding, empathy and appreciation of our shared history and cultural heritage. Removing this course deprives our students of a vital opportunity to learn and engage with important aspects of our society. The GLBC calls for a reconsideration of this decision and urges educational authorities to prioritize the inclusion and continuity of African American Studies in the curriculum in order to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive educational experience for all students in Georgia.”

The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus is a 501(c)3 non-profit, nonpartisan organization and is comprised of nearly 74 Georgia House and Senate members. The GLBC seeks to protect the general welfare of Black people, other people of color and disadvantaged citizens of Georgia in matters of health and welfare, education, social and criminal justice, employment and economic empowerment.

For more information about the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus, please visit 

Representative Carl Gilliard represents the citizens of District 162, which includes portions of Chatham County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2016 and currently serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Development and the Creative Arts & Entertainment, Insurance, Interstate Cooperation, Natural Resources & Environment, Reapportionment and Redistricting, State Properties and Transportation committees.
