Governor Approves Bill to Regulate Boilers and Pressure Vessels Sponsored by Rep. Howard

ATLANTA – State Representative Henry “Wayne” Howard (D-Augusta) today announced that Governor Nathan Deal recently signed Senate Bill 353, legislation Rep. Howard sponsored in the House that will provide the Safety Fire Commissioner with civil enforcement and penalty authority for violations of boiler and pressure valve regulations.

051518 HWHoward Bill Signing Ceremony Photo“I’m thrilled to announce that Gov. Deal has signed this critical, life-saving measure into law,” said Rep. Howard. “Georgia is home to over 50,000 boiler pressures and valves, and incorrect valve upkeep is extremely dangerous and life threatening. I’m confident that SB 353 will help to keep our state’s citizens safe, and I’m proud to have championed such a vital bill in the House this past session.”

SB 353 will authorize the Safety Fire Commissioner to pursue civil enforcement and have penalty authority over those who violate boiler and pressure vessel regulations. SB 353 will also establish a maximum penalty of $5,000 for violating such regulations.

This bill was introduced following an incident in Augusta, Georgia, where a sheriff’s deputy died from inhaling chemical fumes during an emergency call.

For more information on SB 353, please click here.

*Editor’s note: A photo of the SB 353 bill signing ceremony has been attached to this press release for your convenience.


Representative Henry “Wayne” Howard represents the citizens of District 124, which includes portions of Richmond County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2006 and currently serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Human Resources and the Education, Health & Human Services, Juvenile Justice, and Motor Vehicles committees.
