ATLANTA— Today the Georgia Senate overwhelmingly passed the Jobs, Opportunity, and Business Success Act of 2009 (J.O.B.S. Act). Continue reading “House Applauds Senate for Passing J.O.B.S. Act”
Rep. Neal Reads to Pre-K Students
ATLANTA – Today Representative Jay Neal (R –LaFayette) read Green Eggs & Ham to a group of Pre-K students at the Academy for Little People in Chickamauga, GA. This was part of the school’s celebration of Dr. Seuss Week. Continue reading “Rep. Neal Reads to Pre-K Students”
Creating “JOBS” in Georgia
By state Representative Tom Graves (R) HD 12
We hear many supporters of government spending and critics of free markets say “only government action” can provide jobs, give folks money, and make everything alright. However, this faulty notion doesn’t work. Continue reading “Creating “JOBS” in Georgia”
Tax Credit for Home Buyers Passes House
ATLANTA— Today the Georgia House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 261 by a vote of 162 to 4. The measure now moves to the state Senate for consideration. Continue reading “Tax Credit for Home Buyers Passes House”
Representative Geisinger Passes “Best Legislation So Far This Year”
ATLANTA— State Representative Harry Geisinger (R-Roswell) today passed the most sweeping automobile tax reform legislation in the House of Representatives. Continue reading “Representative Geisinger Passes “Best Legislation So Far This Year””