Rep. Becky Evans Issues Statement on Hiring of New DeKalb County School District’s Superintendent

ATLANTA – State Representative Becky Evans (D-Atlanta) today issued the following statement to congratulate Dr. Devon Horton for being selected as the next superintendent of the DeKalb County School District:

“I want to congratulate our school board for overwhelmingly voting to hire Dr. Devon Horton as our next DeKalb superintendent. Dr. Horton is aspirational, optimistic and realistic.

“As one colleague said to me, he has the grit to do the job. Teachers and students will respond to his relatable story of coming from a single family home and his respect for his own elementary teachers, which he credits to spurring his love of learning. I am inspired by his story of all the challenges he faced when he first became a teacher in a severely under-resourced school. I commend Dr. Horton for making himself available during several town halls and for his energy and engagement with teachers and community members when they asked him tough questions.

“This past year, most of the board members have collaborated with one another to better communicate, plan and overcome differences. They have selected Dr. Horton knowing that he claims he is a ‘disruptor,’ and a superintendent who does not accept that the status quo will benefit DeKalb students. DeKalb has had a new superintendent every two and half years over the last decade. This turnover is not good and hurts students, and I appreciate their decision for a long-term hire.

“Our two recent interim superintendents have done a great deal to bring stability to the system. Interim Superintendent Vasanne Tinsley has been a steadfast leader this year during a tumultuous period. She successfully incentivized teachers for continuing their employment during a severe teacher shortage and brought the district off of the facilities corrective action plan. 

“The DeKalb County School District needs ingenuity and stability. In the spirit of collaboration, I encourage the board to give Dr. Horton the necessary support as he works with staff, teachers, students and parents on his plan to improve our schools. I hope and pray that Dr. Horton will be a superintendent that finds ways to increase our student achievement in DeKalb and that he will have a long and fruitful relationship with our district. I will do my best to support him and our board in these efforts.”

Representative Becky Evans represents the citizens of District 89, which includes portions of DeKalb County. She was elected to the House of Representatives in 2018 and currently serves on the Economic Development & Tourism, Education, Intragovernmental Coordination and Public Safety and Homeland Security committees.
