Rep. Carter Co-Authors Furlough Legislation

ATLANTA — This week State Representative Amy Carter (D-Valdosta) cosponsored and helped author House Bill 977, which would prevent a school system from increasing the pay of administrators when that school system has decided to furlough other school employees.
“If teachers, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and custodians are making sacrifices then administrators should not be receiving raises,” said Representative Amy Carter. “As a teacher, I understand how frustrating it might be to see administrators receive pay raises while others have to make sacrifices by being furloughed. House Bill 977 will not only ensure a greater sense of equality among school employees, but it will also help maintain morale of non-administrative workers during these tough times.”
Under House Bill 977, “If any local board of education furloughs teachers, paraprofessionals, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, support staff, or other non-administrative positions during a school year, such local board of education shall not use any state funds to provide a salary increase for the local school superintendent or administrators during such school year.”
The bill also requires any school board that tries to bypass state funds to give an administrator or superintendent a pay raise to explain the reasoning during a public hearing for community input. They would also have to give seven days’ notice of the public hearing through a legal notice in a local newspaper of publication.
Co-authors on House Bill 977 include state Representatives Ed Rynders (R-Leesburg), Edward Lindsey (R-Atlanta), Fran Millar (R-Dunwoody), and Jay Powell (R-Camilla).
Representative Amy Carter represents the citizens of District 175, which includes portions of Lowndes County. She was elected into the House of Representatives in 2006, and is currently the Secretary of Higher Education. She also serves on the Appropriations, and Children & Youth Committees and a Special Committee on Small Business Development and Creation.