Rep. Clint Crowe Appointed Chairman of House Study Committee on Disaster Mitigation and Resilience

ATLANTA – State Representative Clint Crowe (R-Jackson) was named by Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) to serve as the chairman of the House Study Committee on Disaster Mitigation and Resilience.

“Many thanks to Speaker Burns for the honor of serving alongside my fellow legislators to further investigate our state’s responses to natural and manmade disasters,” said Rep. Crowe. “As we have seen in the history of our state, Georgians are susceptible to various kinds of disasters. It is our responsibility as state government to protect our citizens and better our solutions and responses to any disasters that may occur. I am eager to further examine ways to safeguard Georgians from natural and manmade devastation.”

Created by House Resolution 1432, the House Study Committee on Disaster Mitigation and Resilience will examine ways to develop a comprehensive resilience plan to accommodate and mitigate current and future disaster events with the goal of facilitating strong economic development, promoting tourism and assisting communities and businesses struggling with repeated disaster impacts.

Speaker Burns also appointed the following legislative members to this study committee: State Representatives Lynn Smith (R-Newnan), J Collins (R-Villa Rica) and Edna Jackson (D-Savannah).

Representative Clint Crowe represents the citizens of District 118, which includes Butts County, as well as portions of Henry, Jasper and Putnam counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2020 and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Public Safety & Homeland Security and Ways & Means committees and Secretary of the Judiciary Non-Civil Committee. He also serves on the Banks & Banking, State Planning & Community Affairs and Technology and Infrastructure Innovation committees and serves as an Ex-Officio member of the Appropriations Committee.
