Rep. Lee Hawkins Awarded ACCG’s 2024 Legislative Service Award

ATLANTA – State Representative Lee Hawkins (R-Gainesville), chairman of the House Health Committee, was recently awarded with The Association County Commissioners of Georgia’s (ACCG) 2024 Legislative Service Award. Rep. Hawkins was presented with the award during the July 11 Hall County Commission meeting.

“I am thankful to ACCG for honoring me with the 2024 Legislative Service Award,” said Chairman Hawkins. “This recognition is a true testament of all of the hard work that the Georgia House put in during the 2024 legislative session to support our local governments and communities. I am also grateful to my legislative colleagues for their support of House Bill 946, which will help counties address their unique and individual transportation needs through a voter-approved sales tax. I look forward to the 2025 session to continue our work of improving Georgia’s infrastructure and methods of transportation.”

Rep. Hawkins was honored for his leadership and support of the passage of House Bill 946. HB 946 made changes to current law regarding Single-County Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST), a legislative measure which helps counties address their unique and individual transportation needs through a voter-approved sales tax, providing a funding mechanism for road improvements, bridge repairs and public transit enhancements. State Senator Shelly Echols (R-Gainesville) also received a 2024 Legislative Service Award for her work on HB 946.

“Senator Echols and Chairman Hawkins have been champions for local governments and their communities. Their commitment to improving transportation infrastructure has made a tangible difference in the lives of countless Georgians,” said Martha Revelo, Associate Director of Governmental Affairs. “Their leadership in passing Single-County TSPLOST is a significant achievement that will benefit our state for years to come.”

The ACCG Legislative Service Awards program honors state House and Senate members for their joint work to prioritize the needs of their shared constituencies during the legislative session. The ACCG is Georgia’s county association and works on behalf of county officials and their communities by providing public policy and legislative advocacy, leadership development, civic and community engagement initiatives, insurance and retirement programs that specialize in local government needs and other cost-saving programs. Formed in 1914 when county officials came together to help fund the state’s first highway department, ACCG today serves as a catalyst for advancing Georgia’s counties. 

Representative Lee Hawkins represents the citizens of District 27, which includes portions of Hall and Lumpkin counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2012 and currently serves as Chairman of the Health Committee. He also serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health, the Special Committee on Healthcare and the Banks & Banking, Human Relations & Aging, Insurance, Regulated Industries, Rules and Small Business Development committees.
