Rep. Schofield to Hold Press Conference Tomorrow on Georgia Women’s CARE Act

*Editor’s Note: This press conference has been canceled.

ATLANTA – State Representative Kim Schofield (D-Atlanta) will hold a press conference to announce House Bill 377, or the Georgia Women’s Child Care Alternatives, Resources and Education (CARE) Act, TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 2 p.m. at the South Wing Steps of the State Capitol.

Through the Georgia Women’s CARE Act, Rep. Schofield seeks to assist incarcerated mothers who are pregnant or who have recently delivered babies. First, women would be offered a pregnancy test upon detention, and if the pregnancy test were positive, they would be given the opportunity to be released under bond within 72 hours. HB 377 would also defer a mother’s sentence up to 12 weeks after delivering a baby, and the newborn baby would remain with the mother during this deferment. Finally, penal institutions in Georgia would be required to report data on incarcerated women who are pregnant to the Georgia Department of Public Health to help better serve them in the future.

For more information on HB 377, please click here.


Rep. Kim Schofield (D-Atlanta)


Press Conference to Introduce the Georgia Women’s CARE Act


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

2 p.m.


Georgia State Capitol

South Wing (second floor)

206 Washington St SW

Atlanta, GA 30334
