ATLANTA – The House Republican Caucus nominated House Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones (R-Milton) as the caucus nominee for her current position during caucus elections on Monday, November 14, 2016. Continue reading “Rep. Jan Jones Nominated House Speaker Pro-Tempore”
Speaker Pro Tem Jones Introduces Legislation to Change HOPE Scholarship Weighting for Select STEM Courses
ATLANTA – Speaker Pro Tem Jan Jones (R-Milton) introduced legislation refining the HOPE scholarship to reward Georgia college students for taking rigorous science, technology, engineering, and math courses. Continue reading “Speaker Pro Tem Jones Introduces Legislation to Change HOPE Scholarship Weighting for Select STEM Courses”
Speaker David Ralston Appoints Members to the George L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority Overview Committee
ATLANTA — Speaker of the House David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) has appointed the following members to the George L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority Overview Committee: Continue reading “Speaker David Ralston Appoints Members to the George L. Smith II Georgia World Congress Center Authority Overview Committee”
House Republican Caucus Re-elects Officers
ATLANTA – The House Republican Caucus met today and re-elected its key leaders. The Majority Caucus nominated House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) and House Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones (R-Milton) as the caucus nominees for their current positions and re-elected Majority Leader Larry O’Neal (R-Bonaire), House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey (R-Peachtree City), Majority Caucus Chairman Matt Hatchett (R-Dublin), Majority Caucus Vice-Chairman Sam Teasley (R-Marietta) and Majority Caucus Secretary/Treasurer Allen Peake (R-Macon). Continue reading “House Republican Caucus Re-elects Officers”
Fulton County State Reps File Suit Against Fulton County Commission for Property Tax Rate Increase
ATLANTA— Six Fulton County state representatives and one former state representative announced today that they have filed legal suit to seek a preliminary and permanent injunction against the Fulton County Commission to stop a 17 percent property tax rate increase. The legislators said that the increase violates measures outlined in House Bill 604, which they sponsored during the 2013 legislative session. Continue reading “Fulton County State Reps File Suit Against Fulton County Commission for Property Tax Rate Increase”