ATLANTA – House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) recently appointed State Representative Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe) to the Joint House and Senate Industry Incentives for Financial Technologies and the Payment Processing Industry Study Committee. Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Appointed to Joint Industry Incentives for Financial Technologies and the Payment Processing Industry Study Committee”
Speaker David Ralston Appoints Members of Joint Study Committee on Industry Incentives for Financial Technologies and the Payment Processing Industry
ATLANTA — Speaker of the House David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) has appointed the following members to the Joint Study Committee on Industry Incentives for Financial Technologies and the Payment Processing Industry: Continue reading “Speaker David Ralston Appoints Members of Joint Study Committee on Industry Incentives for Financial Technologies and the Payment Processing Industry”
Governor Signs ABLE Act Co-Sponsored by Rep. Bruce Williamson
ATLANTA – State Representative Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe) today announced that House Bill 768, the Georgia ABLE Act, was signed into law by Gov. Nathan Deal and became effective on Tuesday, May 3, 2016. Continue reading “Governor Signs ABLE Act Co-Sponsored by Rep. Bruce Williamson”
Rep. Bruce Williamson Supports Legislation to Change State’s Public Office Eligibility Requirements
ATLANTA – State Representatives Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe), a member of the House Governmental Affairs Committee, today expressed his support for House Bill 781, Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Supports Legislation to Change State’s Public Office Eligibility Requirements”
Rep. Bruce Williamson Offers Assistance to Local Veterans
ATLANTA — State Representative Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe) recently announced that his office will offer assistance to constituents seeking benefits through the Georgia Department of Veterans Services. Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Offers Assistance to Local Veterans”