ATLANTA- House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) today announced the following appointments to the Joint Study Committee on Medicaid Reform:
Rep. Mickey Channell Introduces Legislation to Create New Georgia Department of Public Health
ATLANTA – State Representative Mickey Channell (R-Greensboro) today introduced House Bill 214, legislation that would move the state’s public health functions out of the Department of Community Health and establish a new Department of Public Health. Continue reading “Rep. Mickey Channell Introduces Legislation to Create New Georgia Department of Public Health”
Rep. Ed Rynders and Rep. Butch Parrish Announce Legislation to Lift Restrictions on Education Spending
ATLANTA – State Representatives Ed Rynders (R-Albany) and Butch Parrish (R-Swainsboro) announced House Resolution 1203 and House Bill 1020-legislation that gives more flexibility to local school systems by giving voters the option to lift restrictions on how sales tax revenues are used for educational purposes.
“Current law ties the hands of local school systems and only allows for sales tax revenues dedicated to education spending to be used for capital outlay projects like new buildings,” said Representative Ed Rynders. “Many school systems are at a point where the use of sales tax revenues would be better suited for other purposes besides construction, particularly in these trying economic times. This legislation gives voters the option to make this decision through a locally held referendum. The bottom line is to let the people decide if they want to build buildings or furlough teachers.” Continue reading “Rep. Ed Rynders and Rep. Butch Parrish Announce Legislation to Lift Restrictions on Education Spending”
Rep. Ed Rynders and Rep. Butch Parrish Announce Legislation to Lift Restrictions on Education Spending
ATLANTA – State Representatives Ed Rynders (R-Albany) and Butch Parrish (R-Swainsboro) announced House Resolution 1203 and House Bill 1020-legislation that gives more flexibility to local school systems by giving voters the option to lift restrictions on how sales tax revenues are used for educational purposes. Continue reading “Rep. Ed Rynders and Rep. Butch Parrish Announce Legislation to Lift Restrictions on Education Spending”
Statement from Representative Butch Parrish Concerning the Appointment of Ken Warnock to Georgia Aviation Authority
ATLANTA – Today state Representative Butch Parrish (R- Swainsboro) released the following statement concerning the appointment of Kenneth J. Carlton Warnock to the Georgia Aviation Authority: Continue reading “Statement from Representative Butch Parrish Concerning the Appointment of Ken Warnock to Georgia Aviation Authority”