Statement from the Cherokee County Legislative Delegation After the Passage of House Bill 908

ATLANTA- The Cherokee County Legislative Delegation released the following statement after the passage of House Bill 908 this week, which will give more local control of billions in Quality Basic Education (QBE) grants and funding back to local school boards by giving them more control of their QBE funds: Continue reading “Statement from the Cherokee County Legislative Delegation After the Passage of House Bill 908”

Representative Charlice Byrd Appointed Vice-Chair of Children and Youth Committee

ATLANTA – On January 15, 2009, the Committee on Assignments announced the committee assignments for the 2009 – 2010 legislative sessions. Representative Charlice Byrd was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Children & Youth Committee; Secretary of the Science & Technology Committee; and member of the Economic Development & Tourism; Health & Human Services; and Judiciary Non-Civil Committees. Continue reading “Representative Charlice Byrd Appointed Vice-Chair of Children and Youth Committee”