Rep. Patty Stinson Appointed to House Study Committee on the Exchange, Storage and Coverage of Agricultural Products, Grain and Livestock

ATLANTA – State Representative Patty Stinson (D-Butler) was recently selected by Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) to serve on the House Study Committee on the Exchange, Storage and Coverage of Agricultural Products, Grain and Livestock.

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Chairman Chuck Martin Announces Special Subcommittee of Higher Education to Address Workforce Development, Retention

ATLANTA – State Representative Chuck Martin (R-Alpharetta) today announced a new special subcommittee of the House Higher Education Committee to address workforce development. This special subcommittee will examine current challenges the state is facing with respect to recruiting and retaining talent to Georgia’s workforce. 

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Speaker Ralston Announces Members of the House Rural Development Council for the 2021-2022 Session

ATLANTA – Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) today announced the members of the House Rural Development Council for the 2021-2022 legislative session. This council, which was created in 2017, works with rural communities to find ways to encourage economic growth and job creation.

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Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Announces 2020 Legislative Priorities

ATLANTA – The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC), chaired by State Representative Karen Bennett (D-Stone Mountain), recently announced its 2020 legislative priorities in honor of Black History Month and ahead of the GLBC’s 45th annual Heritage Dinner. The GLBC, which is comprised of 65 House and Senate members, made the announcement during a press conference on Thursday, February 5. Continue reading “Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Announces 2020 Legislative Priorities”