ATLANTA— Mercer University President William D. Underwood named state Representative Ron Stephens (R- Savannah) to the Board of Governors for the Mercer School of Medicine in Savannah. As member of the Board of Governors, Representative Stephens will provide counsel to the President of Mercer University on the direction and character of Mercer’s Savannah Medical School. He will also help recruit students, assist in planning campaigns of support, and offer advice on important aspects of the operation and governance of the school. Continue reading “Ron Stephens Named to Board of Governors for the Mercer School of Medicine in Savannah”
Tax Credit for Home Buyers Passes House
ATLANTA— Today the Georgia House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 261 by a vote of 162 to 4. The measure now moves to the state Senate for consideration. Continue reading “Tax Credit for Home Buyers Passes House”
Representative Ron Stephens Pre-files House Bill 39
ATLANTA – Today Representative Ron Stephens (R-Savannah) announced that he pre-filed House Bill 39. This legislation will raise the state tobacco tax in order to curb the deadly use of tobacco and it will raise much needed revenue for the state. Continue reading “Representative Ron Stephens Pre-files House Bill 39”