Thursday, February 28 – Asian American & Pacific Islander Legislative Day

ATLANTA –Georgia’s diverse Asian American & Pacific Islander (“AAPI”) communities are coming together for the second AAPI Legislative Day at the Georgia State Capitol on Thursday, February 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The day will start with the second annual Asian American Legislative Breakfast hosted by the Asian American Legal Advocacy Center (AALAC), followed by a lobby training and luncheon chaired by State Representative B.J. Pak (R-108-Lilburn), the first Korean American elected to the Georgia General Assembly.

Continue reading “Thursday, February 28 – Asian American & Pacific Islander Legislative Day”

Athens Representatives Secure Funding for UGA Vet School

ATLANTA – The Georgia House of Representatives today passed House Bill 742, the Fiscal Year 2013 (FY 2013) state budget. State Representatives Keith Heard (D-Athens), Doug McKillip (R-Athens) and Chuck Williams (R-Watkinsville) successfully advocated for the budget to maintain the $52.3 million in 20-year state bonds that the Governor requested for construction of the Veterinary Medical Learning Center at the University of Georgia (UGA). Continue reading “Athens Representatives Secure Funding for UGA Vet School”

Rep. Williams Releases Statement on Athens-Clarke County Reapportionment & Redistricting

ATLANTA – State Representative Chuck Williams (R-Watkinsville) issued the following statement today regarding reapportionment and redistricting in Athens-Clarke County:

“I signed Senate Bill 494 yesterday at the same time as Representatives Keith Heard and Doug McKillip. I did this solely to allow the bill to move forward as local legislation in the Georgia House.

“As many have recognized, Athens-Clarke County will face a tight timeline for securing the federally required clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice in time for qualifying. If the bill were to be handled as general legislation in the House, the resulting delay would only exacerbate this timeline issue, which does not seem to be in anyone’s best interest. This alone was the basis for my decision to sign the bill.

“It has come to my attention that some rumors may be circulating in Athens that I have ‘voted for the bill.’ I want to make it clear that these rumors are not correct. Although I provided my signature so that our community can avoid the cost and complications of timing issues caused by federally mandated clearance, I have not voted for the passage of the bill, nor do I intend to.

“The proposed map that is now moving forward does not reflect Athens-Clarke County’s wishes for its redistricting. As a proponent for local control, I cannot support the map in Senate Bill 494. For this reason, I do not plan to vote for the bill when it makes its way to the floor for consideration by the full body of the Georgia House of Representatives.

“While the ongoing reapportionment and redistricting process has caused some disagreement within the Athens-Clarke County Delegation, I truly hope that we can move ahead and put this saga behind us as we focus on the best interests of our community.”

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Rep. Emory Dunahoo Visited by Deaton Creek Constituents

ATLANTA – State Representative Emory Dunahoo, Jr. (R-Gainesville) was visited today by a group of constituents from the Village in Deaton Creek, a community in southeast Hall County. The group of 22 made an educational trip to the Georgia State Capitol so that they could meet their new state representative and governor. Continue reading “Rep. Emory Dunahoo Visited by Deaton Creek Constituents”