Speaker Jon Burns Appoints Janelle King to State Elections Board

ATLANTA – Today, Speaker of the House Jon Burns (R-Newington) announced the appointment of Janelle King to the State Elections Board effective immediately. King will replace Edward Lindsey who resigned today after serving in the position since 2022. The Georgia State Elections Board is responsible for overseeing the rules and regulations of the elections process in Georgia, investigating the administration and compliance of elections, developing reports and making recommendations to the General Assembly.

“I am excited to announce the appointment of Janelle King to the State Elections Board, and I’m grateful for her willingness to serve in this important role,” said Speaker Burns. “Over the past few years, the Georgia House has prioritized strengthening the integrity and security of our elections. From securing ballot drop boxes and requiring identification for absentee ballots to removing QR codes and adding visible watermarks to paper ballots, we have made significant improvements to the election process here in Georgia. Janelle will be a tremendous asset as an independent thinker and impartial arbiter who will put principle above politics and ensure transparency and accountability in our elections, and I look forward to her work on behalf of the people of Georgia. I also want to thank Edward Lindsey for his dedicated service and contributions to our state during his time on the board, and wish him well in his future endeavors.”

Janelle King currently serves as Co-Chair of Let’s Win For America Action, is a member of the Georgia Board of Corrections and is recognized as a contributor on Fox News Channel, Fox Business and Fox 5 Atlanta’s “The Georgia Gang.” She also hosts her radio show and podcast, “The Janelle King Show.” Formerly, King served as the Deputy State Director of the Georgia Republican Party, Chair of the Georgia Black Republican Council and as a board member of the Georgia Young Republicans.

Janelle and her husband Kelvin reside in Sandy Springs.

The State Elections Board is entrusted with a wide variety of responsibilities and authority regarding the protection of the right to cast a ballot. They include:

●          Promulgating rules and regulations to promote uniformity in election practices, and to promote legality and purity in elections;

●          Investigating the administration of elections and frauds and to report findings to the Attorney General or responsible district attorneys;

●          Making recommendations to the General Assembly regarding elections;

●          Developing rules and regulations about what constitutes a vote that will be counted;

●          Educating the public about voting and offering voting education programs; and

●          Taking such other action as the board may deem appropriate to conduct “fair, legal and orderly elections.”

*Editor’s note: Janelle’s headshot and a letter with additional information is attached.
