Speaker Jon Burns Celebrates Completion of Plant Vogtle

ATLANTA – On Wednesday, May 29, Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) joined Gov. Brian Kemp, members of the General Assembly and executives from Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power, MEAG and the City of Dalton to celebrate the completion of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, which makes the nuclear plant the largest generator of clean energy in the nation.

“Plant Vogtle represents an incredible feat of ingenuity, partnership and technological innovation,” said Speaker Jon Burns. “The successful completion of this project will provide Georgia families and businesses with clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy for generations to come. We’re proud of this accomplishment and look forward to continuing our work alongside Georgia’s utility providers to create sustainable energy production across our state.”

As Georgia continues to witness historic growth and investment, the strength and security of our energy grid will become increasingly important. This achievement for Plant Vogtle marks a critical milestone in the future of reliable energy production and economic development throughout the state. With all four units in commercial operation, the facility will generate enough electricity to power 1 million homes and businesses for an estimated 60 to 80 years.

“It’s an exciting time to be a Georgian as our state continues to grow and thrive, with new demand for more clean energy each year. The new Vogtle units are a key piece of our strategy to meet the energy needs of our customers not only tomorrow, but decades from now,” said Kim Greene, chairman, president and CEO of Georgia Power. “As we mark the completion of the Vogtle 3 and 4 expansion, we’re grateful for the leadership and foresight of the Georgia PSC, as well as the steadfast dedication from all of the project’s co-owners. Today, we welcomed business and community leaders, as well as elected officials and other guests from across Georgia, to celebrate the first newly constructed nuclear units in the U.S. in more than 30 years – representing a long-term investment to benefit our customers and the state. It is truly a great day for Georgia.”
