Why I voted ‘No’ on SB 68: Standing Up for Justice and the People of Georgia

By State Representative Sandra Scott (D-Rex) (369 words)

Last week, I cast my vote against Senate Bill 68 because this bill is nothing short of an attack on the people of Georgia. It prioritizes corporate interests over victims, shields negligent businesses from accountability and strips away the rights of those who have suffered due to no fault of their own.

Section 6 of SB 68 is particularly disturbing—it protects wrongdoers while punishing victims. It blocks access to justice for those who need it the most, including survivors of drunk driving accidents, human trafficking, workplace injuries, medical negligence and corporate recklessness. It ties the hands of juries, limits damages and makes it harder for victims to receive fair compensation, while insurance companies and large corporations profit off the pain of everyday Georgians.

This is why I voted ‘no’ on SB 68. I refuse to stand by while justice is put up for sale. I refuse to allow Georgia to become a state where the powerful walk away untouched while victims are left to suffer in silence.

Why SB 68 is a betrayal to Georgians:

  • It protects negligent businesses while leaving victims powerless;
  • Strips away the constitutional rights of juries to hold wrongdoers accountable;
  • Allows corporations to profit from recklessness without consequence;
  • Gives insurance companies more power to deny, delay and devalue claims;
  • Hurts families who have already suffered due to tragic and preventable events.

Let me be clear—SB 68 does not lower insurance premiums. It does not prevent excessive lawsuits. What it does is make it harder for victims to seek justice. It is nothing more than a corporate handout—one that could come back to haunt every single person in this Chamber.

To those who supported this bill, be warned: the decisions made yesterday will follow us into the future. If you think this bill won’t affect you, wait until you or someone you love becomes a victim. What will you do when the system you helped dismantle turns its back on you?

I stand firm in my decision to vote ‘no’ on SB 68. I stand with the people of Georgia, and I will continue to fight for fairness, accountability and justice.

Justice is not for sale. This is why I voted ‘no’ on SB 68.

Representative Sandra Scott represents the citizens of District 76, which includes a portion of Clayton County. She was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 and currently serves on the Banks & Banking, Defense & Veterans Affairs, Human Relations & Aging, Insurance and Reapportionment and Redistricting committees.
