ATLANTA – House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams (D-Atlanta) and State Representatives Taylor Bennett (D-Brookhaven), Park Cannon (D-Atlanta), Karla Drenner (D-Avondale Estates), Stacey Evans (D-Smyrna), Nikki Randall (D-Macon) and Keisha Waites (D-Atlanta) today commented on Governor Deal’s veto of House Bill 757: Continue reading “House Democrats Comment on Gov. Deal’s Veto of HB 757”
Reps. Bennett, Hugley and Randall Celebrate Alpha Kappa Alpha Day at the State Capitol

ATLANTA – State Representatives Karen Bennett (D-Stone Mountain), Carolyn Hugley (D-Columbus), and Nikki Randall (D-Macon) recently celebrated the annual Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Day at the State Capitol on Monday, March 2, 2015. Continue reading “Reps. Bennett, Hugley and Randall Celebrate Alpha Kappa Alpha Day at the State Capitol”
Rep. Randall Appointed to Special Joint Committee on Georgia Criminal Justice Reform
ATLANTA – State Representative Nikki Randall (D–Macon) was recently appointed to the Special Joint Committee on Georgia Criminal Justice Reform by Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge). The 18 member bi-partisan committee will draft and introduce legislation to reform Georgia’s criminal justice system.
“I am honored that Speaker Ralston chose me to serve on this very important committee,” said Rep. Randall. “This committee has an opportunity to work on legislation that will save taxpayers’ dollars and make our criminal justice system more effective.”
The Special Joint Committee on Georgia Criminal Justice Reform was created by House Bill 265, legislation passed during the 2011 legislative session. Recognizing that there had been many years since the last systematic study of Georgia’s correctional system and criminal justice structure, HB 265 also created the 2011 Special Council on Criminal Justice Reform to conduct a thorough study of the state’s criminal justice structure and make recommendations for legislation to the special joint committee.
The 2011 special council released its report last year, which found that non-violent drug and property offenders represent almost 60 percent of prison admissions. With each prisoner costing the state $49 a day, the council recommended cost effective alternatives like community treatment and probation supervision for low-risk, non-violent, first offenders. The council also found that other states, such as Texas, have saved money and seen a decrease in their crime rate, by making similar changes to their state criminal justice program.
Rep. Randall and the other members of the Special Joint Committee on Georgia Criminal Justice Reform will examine the council’s report and use it to create and introduce legislation during the current legislative session.
Rep. Randall is one of three representatives appointed to the committee by Speaker Ralston. The joint committee also includes three state senators appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, House Speaker Pro Tempore Jan Jones, Senate President Pro Tempore Tommie Williams, majority and minority leaders from both the House and Senate, and chairpersons from the House Committee on Judiciary, House Committee on Judiciary Non-Civil, Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Public Safety Committee, Senate State Institutions and Property Committee and the House Committee on State Institutions and Property.
For more information on HB 265, please click here.
Representative Nikki Randall represents the citizens of District 138, which includes portions of Bibb County. She was elected into the House of Representatives in 1999, and currently serves on the Health & Human Services, Information & Audits, and Judiciary Non-Civil committees. She also serves on the Special Joint Committee on Georgia Criminal Justice Reform.
House Speaker David Ralston Announces Appointments to the Georgia Halls of Fame Authority Overview Committee
ATLANTA— House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) today announced the appointment of the following members of the Georgia House of Representatives to the Georgia Halls of Fame Authority Overview Committee: Continue reading “House Speaker David Ralston Announces Appointments to the Georgia Halls of Fame Authority Overview Committee”