Rep. Brett Harrell Receives American Conservative Union Award

ATLANTA— State Representative Brett Harrell (R-Snellville) received the Conservative All-Stars of the Georgia General Assembly Award from the American Conservative Union (ACU) on Tuesday, August 13, 2013.

Representative Brett Harrell accepting the ACU Conservative award from ACU Director of Government Relations Larry Hart.

“I appreciate this recognition as a conservative leader from the ACU.” said Rep. Harrell. “The ACU rankings will aid my constituents and the constituents around the state identifying the conservative leaders of Georgia.”

Rep. Harrell was recognized for his score of 80 percent on the ACU 2013 State Legislative Rankings. This ranking is based on the consistency of his votes and support for key conservative principles on a wide range of issues during the 2013 Legislative Session. The ACU rating system has become the conservative standard for voters seeking more information on their representatives’ records throughout 20 different states.

ACU is the oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization in the nation. For more than forty years, ACU has serves as an umbrella organization harnessing collective strengths of conservative organizations fighting for Americans who are concerned with liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and strong national defense. As America’s premier conservative voice, ACU is the leading entity in providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, the Executive Branch, State Legislatures, the media political candidates, and the public.

For more information on the American Conservative Union, please click here.

Representative Brett Harrell represents citizens of District 106, which includes portions of Gwinnett County. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2010 and currently serves as the Vice-Chairman on the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee. He also serves on the Regulated Industries, Transportation, and Ways & Means Committees.
