Rep. Ed Rynders and Rep. Butch Parrish Announce Legislation to Lift Restrictions on Education Spending

ATLANTA – State Representatives Ed Rynders (R-Albany) and Butch Parrish (R-Swainsboro) announced House Resolution 1203 and House Bill 1020-legislation that gives more flexibility to local school systems by giving voters the option to lift restrictions on how sales tax revenues are used for educational purposes.

“Current law ties the hands of local school systems and only allows for sales tax revenues dedicated to education spending to be used for capital outlay projects like new buildings,” said Representative Ed Rynders. “Many school systems are at a point where the use of sales tax revenues would be better suited for other purposes besides construction, particularly in these trying economic times. This legislation gives voters the option to make this decision through a locally held referendum. The bottom line is to let the people decide if they want to build buildings or furlough teachers.”

If approved, House Resolution 1203 and House Bill 1020 would change the law to expand the use of local option sales tax for education purposes, also known as ELOST, Under existing law, these funds are only allowed to be used for capital outlay projects. This legislation would expand their use and give local school systems the option to use ELOST revenues for maintenance and operation.

“By expanding the use of ELOST funds, local school systems will have greater flexibility over how tax payer dollars are used to meet their most pressing needs,” added Representative Butch Parrish.

As a constitutional amendment, House Resolution 1203 requires approval from two-thirds of the House and Senate before it can go on the ballot in the upcoming November 2010 general election. House Bill 1020 seeks to change general statute and only requires a simple majority vote by the House and Senate and the signature of the Governor. The legislation would go into effect following voter approval of House Resolution 1203.

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Representative Ed Rynders represents the citizens of District 152, which includes portions of Colquitt, Dougherty, Lee, and Worth Counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2002, and is currently the Chairman of the Intragovernmental Coordination Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Health & Human Services Committee. He also serves on the Appropriations and Transportation Committees.

Representative Butch Parrish represents the citizens of District 156, which includes portions of Bulloch, Candler, Emanuel, and Johnson Counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 1984, and currently serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. He also serves on the Banks & Banking, Economic Development & Tourism, and the Rules Committees.