Rep. Holly Introduces Legislation to Change Georgia’s Voting Age

ATLANTA – State Representative El-Mahdi Holly (D-McDonough) today introduced House Resolution 345 to change the legal voting age in Georgia.

“17 year olds are underrepresented in policy decisions that affect them,” said Rep. Holly. “We want to increase young adult participation and give every legal adult in Georgia the right to vote.”

HR 345 proposes an amendment to the constitution that would lower the registration and voting age to 17 years old for federal, state and local elections. Currently, Georgia law requires citizens to be at least 17 and a half years old to register to vote and 18 years old to vote in all state and federal elections.

If HR 345 is adopted, the constitutional amendment will be placed on the state-wide ballot as a referendum during Georgia’s general election in 2020.


Representative El-Mahdi Holly represents the citizens of District 111, which includes portions of Henry County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2018 and currently serves on the Code Revision, Industry & Labor and Transportation committees.

