Rep. Mark Newton Named Chairman of the House Interstate Cooperation Committee

ATLANTA – The Georgia House of Representatives’ Committee on Assignments named State Representative Mark Newton (R-Augusta) as the Chairman of the House Interstate Cooperation Committee.

“Working together with other states can streamline and expedite licensing for professionals in multiple fields, including much needed health care related fields, such as nursing and others,” said Chairman Newton. “Additionally, expediting the ability of military spouses to rapidly enter our local workforces can be extremely beneficial. I look forward to our committee continuing to improve Georgians lives by working together.” 

The House Committee on Assignments, chaired by House Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington), is charged with making all House committee assignments for the members of the Georgia House of Representatives. 

The House Interstate Cooperation Committee oversees policies that encourage and assist Georgia’s legislative, executive, administrative and judicial officials develop and maintain relationships with other state governments, as well as the federal government and its agencies.

Additionally, Rep. Newton has been named the Vice Chair of the House Health Committee, which works on health care policy with particular emphasis on regulatory and market issues. He also chairs the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Policy. He also serves as a member on the Appropriations, Rules, Defense and Veterans Affairs and Transportation committees.  

For a complete list of all House committee assignments, please click here.

Representative Mark Newton represents the citizens of District 127, which includes portions of Columbia and Richmond counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2020 and currently serves as Chairman of the Interstate Cooperation Committee and Vice Chairman of the Health Committee. He also serves on the Appropriations, Rules, Defense & Veterans Affairs, Transportation and Ways & Means committees.  
