Rep. Matt Reeves’ Second Chance Workforce Act Signed into Law

ATLANTA – Yesterday, State Representative Matt Reeves (R-Duluth) stood alongside Governor Brian Kemp at the State Capitol in Atlanta, Ga. as he signed House Bill 926, the Second Chance Workforce Act, into law. This legislation, a collaborative effort by Rep. Reeves and the Georgia Justice Project (GJP), alongside the Metro Atlanta Chamber, Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Reason Foundation and other partners, would allow individuals with low-level municipal citation and misdemeanor charges to keep their driver’s licenses during their cases, as long as the charges do not pertain to DUI, reckless driving or child support, so that their ability to drive to work is not interrupted.

“The Second Chance Workforce Act represents a significant stride toward fairness and opportunity for every Georgian,” said Rep. Reeves. “Losing your driver’s license can create challenges in supporting your family and jeopardize your job. This legislation ensures that you can maintain your license and guarantee your ability to drive to work. I was proud to partner with the Georgia Justice Project and other stakeholders to push this legislation across the finish line and extend my thanks to Governor Kemp for signing this much-needed bill into law.”

HB 926 enables a traffic court judge to reinstate a person’s suspended license if they have rescheduled their court appearance, attended court for a hearing or arraignment or completed the adjudication process. Additionally, the bill removes an exception for certain Class C drivers’ licenses and includes battery against healthcare or emergency workers as a “serious delinquent act” for minors, impacting detention decisions. It also mandates that reports of family violence incidents must detail protective orders and previous complaints.

*Editor’s note: A release from the Georgia Justice Project on the Second Chance Workforce Act is attached.

Representative Matt Reeves represents the citizens of District 99, which includes portions of Gwinnett County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2022 and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and Secretary of the Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee. He also serves on the Judiciary Non-Civil Committee.
