Rep. Rick Jasperse Introduces 2nd Amendment Rights Legislation

ATLANTA— State Representative Rick Jasperse (R-Jasper) announced today that he filed legislation to protect and expand the 2nd Amendment rights of Georgians.

“This bill will protect our citizens’ 2nd Amendment Rights by empowering Georgians who hold or seek a Georgia Weapons Carry License to protect themselves or their family,” said Rep. Jasperse. “It also restores private property rights and strengthens the integrity of the Georgia Weapons Carry licensing process.”

The bill addresses where a Georgia Weapons Carry License Holder can carry a weapon. Key points of this legislation include:
• Limits government restrictions on private property and restores those rights to the owners or members. This bill lists churches and bars as private property in the code where they belong and allows the private property owner to expel or prohibit a license holder or anyone from carrying a weapon on their property.
• Allows increased access for license holders to government buildings that do not have active screening by security personnel.
• Changes the penalty for a license holder on a public college or technical campus, making it a civil penalty of $100 to carry on campuses. Current law makes it a misdemeanor.
• Allows veterans who earn an Honorable Discharge under the age 21 to apply for and receive a Georgia Weapons Carry License.

The bill also seeks to improve mental health regulations for Georgia Weapons Carry License applicants:
• Two prohibitors would be added to Georgia law to prevent the individuals who have been deemed the following from receiving a Georgia Weapons Carry License: 1) any person who has been adjudicated “mentally incompetent to stand trial” or 2) any person who has been adjudicated “not guilty by reason of insanity” at the time of the crime.
• The bill also requires that a court order for involuntary commitment be reported within 10 days to Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC). Current law requires reporting by probate and superior courts but does not ensure that orders are promptly submitted. Probate judges will also be required by law to check GCIC to ensure that information submitted on the application form is accurate, thereby ensuring the public’s trust in our license process.

Other important aspects of this bill include:
• Georgians will not be required to be re-fingerprinted when seeking a renewal or temporary renewal license, thereby saving $45.
• Provides that no database can be created of Georgia Weapons Carry License holders.
• Allows school boards the opportunity and choice to arm an employee under their guidelines and supervision.
• Makes it a misdemeanor for those who unknowingly bring a weapon to an airport who are caught at a security checkpoint.

The bill has been numbered House Bill 875. It will be available online on the Georgia General Assembly website after 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, January 28, 2014 and can be viewed by clicking here.

Representative Rick Jasperse represents the citizens of District 11, which includes portions of Gordon, Murray, and Pickens counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2010, and currently serves as the Vice Chairman on the Health & Human Services. He also serves on the Agriculture & Consumer Affair, Human Relations & Aging, and Appropriations committees.
