Rep. Rick Townsend Selected for Legislative Leadership Institute, New Dual Enrollment Study Committee

ATLANTA – State Representative Rick Townsend (R-Brunswick) was recently nominated by Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) to participate in the Georgia Legislative Leadership Institute (GLLI) and serve as a member of the House Joint Study Committee on Dual Enrollment for Highly Skilled Talent at Younger Ages.

“I want to thank Speaker Burns for nominating me to participate in these two prestigious opportunities during my first legislative term in office,” said Rep. Townsend. “I am committed to making the most of every opportunity until the General Assembly resumes meeting in January, and I am honored to be a part of this dynamic group of leaders who want to keep Georgia a great place to live, work and play.”

The University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government (CVIG) hosts the annual Georgia Legislative Leadership Institute to bring together rising state lawmakers. The program is designed to strengthen the leadership skills of individual legislators while also reinforcing the legislative institution. More than 220 state legislators have participated in the program since its inception. This year’s program took place from August 2 – 6 in Athens.

This year, lawmakers learned leadership lessons from Lt. Governor Burt Jones, House Speaker Burns and Rob Gordon, director of the CVIG. New legislators also participated in a workshop with the National Institute for Civil Discourse to explore best practices for engaging in meaningful and effective public discourse.

The bipartisan group of lawmakers were given the chance to explore the leadership challenges of representative government with UGA faculty. Participants also delved into their own leadership styles, discussed the latest policy topics, addressed leadership challenges in using power and influence, as well as explored ethical dilemmas and decisions.

Rep. Townsend will also be invited to participate in the new GLLI Alumni Program, which will provide continued education to program graduates and help elevate these lawmakers’ influence under the Gold Dome.

Additionally, Rep. Townsend was recently appointed by Speaker Burns to serve on the Joint Study Committee on Dual Enrollment for Highly Skilled Talent at Younger Ages. Created by Senate Resolution 175, this joint study committee works to examine Georgia’s existing dual enrollment opportunities and identify potential solutions that will yield more dual enrollment participants at younger ages.

“The future of Georgia’s workforce pipeline relies on the success of Georgia’s dual enrollment programs,” added Rep. Townsend. “Dual enrollment makes college more accessible and more affordable for students and their families, and Georgia has excellent dual enrollment programs across the state. However, our growing economy needs more qualified workers, and expanding these vital dual enrollment programs will greatly benefit the job creators in our state.”

The study committee held its first meeting on August 9, and it will hold several hearings across the state in the coming months. This group will submit its official legislative recommendations to the General Assembly ahead of the 2024 legislative session, which will convene in January.

The joint study committee’s video recording will be publically archived here.

Representative Rick Townsend represents the citizens of District 179, which includes portions of Glynn counties. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2022 and currently serves as Secretary of the Natural Resources & Environment Committee. He also serves on the Education and Special Rules committees.
