Rep. Sandra Scott Pre-Files 23 Bills for House District 76

ATLANTA – State Representative Sandra Scott (D-Rex) recently pre-filed 23 House bills ahead of the 2021 legislative session, which convened on Monday, Jan. 11.

“Of the legislation I introduce each year, 85 percent of it comes from citizens within District 76 and across the state, as well as talk radio and conferences that I attend on a yearly basis,” said Rep. Scott. “I want to encourage my constituents to please contact me if they have any questions about this legislation, especially in regards to how it may benefit our local communities.”

During this legislative session, Rep. Scott plans to continue to introduce legislation that could have major impacts in House District 76. Rep. Scott also encourages constituents to participate in future town hall meetings to discuss proposed legislation.

Some of the legislation that Rep. Scott is eager to share with her constituents would address educational needs in District 76. House Bill 10 would direct the state to provide additional resources to students living in poverty. Scott also pre-filed House Bill 7, which seeks to provide greater access to higher-education opportunities to foster students and students with unstable housing. House Bill 9 would authorize the state to develop guidelines for telehealth services in Georgia schools that would provide mental health and behavioral health services.

Rep. Scott also seeks to address police and community relations in District 76. House Bill 15 would require police departments to provide de-escalation training to law enforcement officers. House Bill 17 would prohibit racial profiling by law enforcement officers and agencies, and House Bill 18 would require law enforcement agencies to provide body cameras to on-duty law enforcements officers. House Bill 20 seeks to increase accountability among Georgia coroners when investigating officer-involved deaths. And, House Bill 21 would prohibit citizens from making falsified 9-1-1 calls.

She also pre-filed House Bill 22, which would require any housing authority in Georgia to develop greater housing access opportunities to veterans in unstable housing, as well as House Bill 57, which would authorize the state to develop and implement breast milk storage policies in penal institutions.

For more information on the aforementioned legislation, as well as the other bills pre-filed by Rep. Scott, please click here.

Questions regarding Rep. Scott’s legislation may be directed at 404-656-0314 or

Representative Sandra Scott represents the citizens of District 76, which includes portions of Clayton and Henry counties. She was first elected to the House Representatives in 2010 and currently serves on the Defense & Veterans Affairs, Human Relations & Aging, Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment, Science and Technology and Special Rules committees.
