Rep. Stovall Appointed to Georgia Council for the Arts

ATLANTA— State Representative Valencia Stovall (D-Lake City) was recently appointed as an ex-officio member of the Georgia Council for the Arts by Governor Nathan Deal.

Rep. Valencia Stovall being sworn-in by Gov. Nathan Deal

She was sworn-in on June 25th during a ceremony held at the Georgia State Capitol.

“The presence of the arts in Georgia is no longer an afterthought, but it is a part of everyday conversation across this state with even more emphasis on education and tourism,” said Rep. Stovall. “I would like to thank Governor Deal for this opportunity to assist in expanding the footprint of the arts here in Georgia.”

Members of the Georgia Council for the Arts are active in their respective communities as arts advocates and are appointed by the Governor. There are nine positions and two ex officio members named from the Georgia General Assembly. In addition to providing advice and support, the Council is responsible for endorsing policy and fiscal recommendations, approving fundraising plans and goals, objectives, and direction of the agency. Its mission is to cultivate the growth of vibrant, thriving Georgia communities through the arts.

For more information on the Georgia Council for the Arts, please click here.

Representative Valencia Stovall represents the citizens of District 74, which includes portions of Clayton County. She was elected into the House of Representatives in 2012, and currently serves on the Code Revision, Education, Interstate Cooperation, and Small Business Development committees.

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