ATLANTA – Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) today announced the members of the House Study Committee on Local Government Utility Payment Options for Customers in Need of Assistance: Continue reading “Speaker Ralston Announces Members of the House Study Committee on Local Government Utility Payment Options for Customers in Need of Assistance”
Rep. Bruce Williamson Lauds Launch of Georgia STABLE
ATLANTA – State Representative Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe) lauds Governor Nathan Deal’s launch of Georgia STABLE on June 14, 2017. Georgia STABLE is a tax-free savings program for eligible individuals with disabilities. Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Lauds Launch of Georgia STABLE”
Rep. Bruce Williamson Re-Elected House Majority Caucus Secretary/Treasurer
ATLANTA – The House Republican Caucus re-elected State Representative Bruce Williamson (R- Monroe) as the House Majority Caucus Secretary/Treasurer during caucus elections on Monday, November 14, 2016. Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Re-Elected House Majority Caucus Secretary/Treasurer”
House Republican Caucus Elects Officers
ATLANTA – The House Republican Caucus met today and elected its key leaders. The Majority Caucus nominated House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) and House Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones (R-Milton) as the caucus nominees for their current positions. Continue reading “House Republican Caucus Elects Officers”
Rep. Bruce Williamson Attends Meeting of Assembly of State Legislatures
ATLANTA – State Representative Bruce Williamson (R-Monroe) recently attended a meeting of the Assembly of State Legislatures (ASL) where legislators established the rules needed to hold a state-led convention for proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution and concluded with the signing of a resolution in support of the proposed rules package. Continue reading “Rep. Bruce Williamson Attends Meeting of Assembly of State Legislatures”