Rep. Katie Dempsey Plays Key Role in Speaker Ralston’s First Day Leading the House

ATLANTA— Today, following the election of David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) as Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, state Representative Katie Dempsey (R-Rome) was selected by the incoming House Speaker to help lead the Speaker’s Escort Committee. As a part of the committee, Representative Dempsey helped lead Speaker Ralston to the rostrum in the House Chamber for the exchanging of the gavel. Continue reading “Rep. Katie Dempsey Plays Key Role in Speaker Ralston’s First Day Leading the House”

Representative Katie Dempsey Appointed Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight

ATLANTA – Today the Committee on Assignments, chaired by Speaker Glenn Richardson, announced the committee assignments for the 2009 – 2010 legislative sessions. Representative Katie Dempsey was appointed Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee and member of the Economic Development and Tourism; Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunications; Health and Human Services; and Higher Education Committees. Continue reading “Representative Katie Dempsey Appointed Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight”