Rep. Sandra Scott Issues Statement on Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict

ATLANTA – State Representative Sandra Scott (D-Rex) today issued the following statement regarding the recent verdict for the Minnesota v. Derek Michael Chauvin criminal case:

“Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. Lord, I thank you for the guilty verdict for Officer Derek Chauvin in his criminal trial. Today, we saw accountability. Today, we saw what true justice should look like in America. We can celebrate tonight, but in the morning, we must get up and continue our fight for real criminal justice reform and police accountability in our communities.

“The cause of justice is in our hands, and we must hold our police officers, solicitors, district attorneys and judges accountable. We must continue to video when we see injustice being done to our brothers and sisters. We can hold them accountable in Georgia by supporting and the General Assembly passing my criminal justice reform legislative package, which includes House Bills 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 35. We also need Congress to pass the George Floyd Act.  We must continue to stand up, speak out and stay woke until we can have real, true justice for all people.

“As a public servant, I will continue to keep you informed, stand up, speak out and work to see change in our criminal justice system and police officers held accountable. It is imperative that our police officers and communities come together and foster a workable relationship. It is time for Georgia to heal, as well as the United States of America. I will continue to pray for healing.”

Representative Sandra Scott represents the citizens of District 76, which includes portions of Clayton and Henry counties. She was first elected to the House Representatives in 2010 and currently serves on the Defense & Veterans Affairs, Human Relations & Aging, Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment, Science and Technology and Special Rules committees.
